On August 27 an outdoor company picnic for the employees of Sarzyna Chemical took place in the picturesque tourist center “Azalia”. There was a very friendly and positive atmosphere throughout the event. Employees took part in numerous competitions and games. The competition for a creative film on compliance with the rules and regulations of occupational health and safety at work entitled “Everything you would like to know about OSH, but are ashamed to ask” was resolved and the awards were given. Congratulations to the authors of the awarded works for original ideas and a great sense of humor.
1st PLACE – “Polyester smarts”
Authors: Smycz Stanisław, Władysław Nienajadło
II PLACE – “Marina and Damian on OHS”
Authors: Marina Pich, Damian Halasa
3rd PLACE – “Health and safety in the office”
Authors: Paulina Buczkowska, Anna Stańko
4th PLACE – “Health and Safety Competition”
Authors: Marcin Skiba, Krzysztof Kozub
5TH PLACE – “Work safely, it pays off”
Authors: Dorota Maruszak, Oliwia Szajna, Lidia Maruszak, Helena Jędrzec, Katarzyna Suszyło, Marta Kozub
Congratulations to the winners!